3 search results for "mauersegler"

3 search results for "mauersegler

Cavity Panel for Swifts

Cavity Panel for Swifts   This Cavity Panel is ideal as a facing for cavities and niches in walls to provide breeding spaces for Swifts. This board enables new nesting places to be created individually and very quickly (even at a later stage or when construction work has been completed)....

Swift Box No. 16

General information on Swifts (Apus apus) Swifts are uniquely adapted to life on the wing. They are mainly known and popular when a large number of them fly through our towns and cities on a warm summer evening, hunting for flying insects. During the summer months Swifts spend just...

Lightweight Swift Box Type 1A

Allgemeines zum Mauersegler (Apus apus) Mauersegler sind einzigartig an das Leben in der Luft angepasst. Vor allem bekannt und beliebt sind Mauersegler, wenn sie in größerer Anzahl an einem warmen Sommerabend auf der Jagd nach Fluginsekten durch die Städte fliegen. Mauersegler sind während der Sommermonate gerade mal vier Monate...